
Introducing LYRICS!

We've added lyrics to the Adva Mobile platform. Now your fans can access lyrics to all your songs from their mobile phone, on your mobile web app.

The Lyrics section is in Content, where fans also find your music, videos and photos. Keeping fans engaged on your site with new, interesting content is the best way to grow a loyal fan base that will support you, buy your music and merch and come to your shows.

You add lyrics from the portal also under the Content section. There's a new tab called Lyrics, it works just like the News feature. Enter your song name and the Lyrics in the Text editor. Alternatively, you can paste in the lyrics (probably easier) or enter a URL link to another web site, like Lyrics.com, that present your lyrics.

Digital music has long gone without the art, credits, and lyrics that accompany physical packaging. Integrating these features into an existing digital destination - your web app - is the best alternative to help fans understand your message and learn more about the myths that surround your songs.